
Seeking Management Expertise for Direct Infrastructure Investment in Aviation

Thanks to robust growth rates in the service sector of the aviation industry, more investors are interested in direct infrastructure investment in aviation. Direct investments in aviation infrastructure are often difficult as the industry is highly fragmented and likely involves small transactions. This is precisely where the expertise of infrastructure management companies provide value. In this post we will discuss some of the aspects of these companies and how their services benefit aviation asset owners.

The Need for Management Expertise

When it comes to institutional equity ownership in aviation, nothing matters more than experience and discipline. Equity owners are focused on maximizing the value of their aviation asset holdings over the long term. Aviation management companies offer a transparent management operating system which is based on the tenants of transparency and ownership control. Professional management companies can provide customized reporting to satisfy the requirements for financial institutions. With the right kind of management expertise, owners will benefit from more efficient operations resulting in increased asset values.

Things to Expect

Depending on the nature of the portfolio of aviation assets, owners can expect a wide range of services, including turn key management. Additionally, management companies can build and operate aviation infrastructure assets on behalf of their clients and may also provide a transfer process, if desired. They also specialize in design, planning, construction, and management of aviation infrastructure assets. Asset management in aviation infrastructure is a key value driver for direct investors, and experienced management companies provide a professional, planned, and tested approach to assist owners in maximizing the value of their assets.

Owners of aviation infrastructure should consider the expertise and operational experience of professional management companies with deep aviation experience. Call Global Aviation Infrastructure, LLC to discuss how we can help you maximize the value of your aviation assets today!

  • Posted by admin
  • October 27, 2017

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