Thanks to robust growth rates in the service sector of the aviation industry, more investors are interested in direct infrastructure investment in aviation. Direct investments in aviation infrastructure are often difficult as the industry is highly fragmented and likely involves small transactions. This is precisely where the expertise of inf [..]
A number of asset owners, financial sponsors, and other parties with vested interests are involved in the aviation sector and most of them have diverse objectives which are often interlinked with one another. Setting strategic direction in this industry is not easy and more often than not owners want to test their ideas before they make the f [..]
CHARLESTON, SC. Global Aviation Infrastructure (GAI) will attend the NBBA’s Business Aviation Convention and Exhibition (NBAA-BACE) October 10th – 12th, 2017 in Las Vegas, NV. GAI recently completed several advisory & management assignments on behalf of institutional aviation asset managers for Fixed Base Operations (FBO), [..]
Managing your aviation assets is a complex job. As an owner you have many concerns, especially regarding how to maximize your asset’s value. When it comes to aviation you should strongly consider seeking professional management from a company with deep management and a breadth of capabilities. Professional management allows you to stayed fo [..]
Managing commercial and general aviation airports can be a complex task and there are a number of companies are involved in day-to-day management of airport properties and facilities. If you are an airport asset owner looking to maximize the value of your aviation assets, you should consider hiring a firm that can offer world-class expertise [..]